European institutional investor sentiment downbeat

30 November 2017
| By Mike |
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European institutional investor pessimism has resulted in a marginal decline in the State Street Investor Confidence Index for November.

The index decreased marginally (on point) to 97.1 from October’s number with State Street attributing the decline to a 12 point drop in the European index which was not fully offset by rises in among North American and Asian investors.

Commenting on the outcome, State Street Associates managing director and head of Investor Behaviour Research, Rajeev Bhargava said that while tax reform prospects had helped boost investor confidence in the US, rising political uncertainty and worries over tighter monetary condition had driven down sentiment in Europe.

“It will be interesting to follow the path of investor confidence in the wake of failed coalition talks in Germany,” he said.

One of the founders of the Index, State Street’s Ken Froot said global risk appetite remained broadly subdued.

“While the decline in sentiment was more acute in Europe, Asian sentiment has also taken a hit, as rising concerns about Chinese debt outweighed the potential benefits of cash injections by the People’s Bank of China,” he said.



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