FSC board welcomes super fund CEO

22 May 2023
| By Rhea Nath |
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Kelly Power, chief executive of Colonial First State Superannuation, has been appointed to the Financial Services Council (FSC) board.

She was previously a representative on the FSC’s superannuation board committee and was a director of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA).

FSC chairman David Bryant said they were “delighted” to welcome someone of Power’s calibre and experience to the board. 

“As a senior industry leader with a commitment to placing the interests of consumers at the forefront of policy development, Kelly will make an invaluable contribution as the FSC continues to lead national debates,” he said.

Power had been appointed CFS Super CEO in July 2021, where her responsibilities included oversight of the superannuation business, including as a member of the trustee board. She was also responsible for investments, product, and strategy.

She first joined the firm as general manager product in 2018, adding marketing and strategy and responsibility for the Wrap business in late 2020.

Prior to that, she was the head of platforms at BT Financial Group, where she also held a number of other executive management roles.

Power would bring two decades of experience in financial services to her role as a board member of Australia’s peak body for retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, life insurers, financial advisory networks, and licensed trustee companies.

Commenting on her appointment, she said: “This is an exciting period of innovation and competition in the sector and I look forward to working with my fellow FSC directors to drive positive change for consumers and help shape the future of financial services in Australia”. 

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Fund name
Ardea Diversified Bond F
144.00 3 y p.a(%)
Hills International
63.39 3 y p.a(%)