AMP has announced investment fee reductions on its superannuation products.
The company’s managing director, superannuation, retirement and platforms, Lara Bourguignon said the reductions formed part of AMP’s program to simplify its superannuation and wrap platform businesses which would see a significant reduction of super products and enable the company to provide more benefits to clients.
She said the fee reductions included:
The strong market downturn in the first two weeks of the month has been followed by a swift recovery, according to SuperRatings.
The industry body is pushing for the Senate to pass the legislation this sitting fortnight.
The director, who is also a CFMEU official, has been accused of breaching a number of the covenants contained in the SIS Act.
The regulator says an industry roundtable found advisers and super funds need to up their game when it comes to talking about super with Millennials.