Major superannuation administrator, Link Group has announced it has extended its contract with AustralianSuper for another four years, commencing 1 July, under which it will continue to provide superannuation administration and customer engagement services to the fund.
This would include automated back office processing and engagement activities spanning contact centre operations to insurance claims processing as well as provision of technology, digital, cyber-security and data services.
Link Group’s managing director, John McMurtrie, said: “As Australia’s largest superannuation fund, AustralianSuper is able to play a critical role in reshaping the value and uplifting expectations about what a super fund can deliver for members and their employers.”
The key terms of the contract were:
The strength of the US economy has driven “an extremely pleasing” result for the Australian sovereign wealth fund.
The industry superannuation fund-owned global private markets manager is set to launch three new private market strategies backed by the UK’s largest pension scheme.
The $92 billion fund has pinpointed key megatrends that are expected to disrupt markets in the coming years.
Brighter Super’s Index Balanced pension option delivered 16.76 per cent in calendar year 2024, while its Stable pension option returned 8.02 per cent.