franking dividends


Scott Morrison’s election victory may have offered super funds temporary relief where franking credit reforms are concerned. With dividend imputation credits expected to ...


Concerns about Labor’s proposed franking credit reforms have certainly carried into the new year, with one retirement income expert slamming the policy as failing the tes...

Post retirement

Nearly 90 per cent of investors responding to a survey believe the Federal Opposition’s proposed removal of refundable franking credits will reduce their quality of life....

Post retirement

A senior South Australian financial planner has warned a Parliamentary Committee that middle-class retirees will be most affected by the Federal Opposition’s franking cre...

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

7 months 1 week ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

7 months 1 week ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

7 months 1 week ago

The fund has confirmed a reshuffle following its latest decision to combine its ESG and investment governance teams. ...

1 day 9 hours ago

An investment executive has said discussions around the rise of unlisted assets against the decline of listed assets are more nuanced than meets the eye....

2 days 9 hours ago

The appointment is part of Insignia Financial’s recently announced restructuring of its operating model and executive team....

2 days 10 hours ago