

A ban on Jeneve Matai, head of advice for the superannuation team at National Advice Solutions, has been refused by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. ...


The Government has released the consultation paper for the definition of superannuation, putting forward one proposed objective and two alternatives....


Deducting advice fees from super funds risks undermining the system, a co-founder of financial services institution has said in response to a Quality of Advice Review rec...


The Government has today released the final report of the Quality of Advice Review....

People and Products

Vanguard’s head of super, Michael Lovett, is to depart just three months after the firm launched its superannuation offering....

Women's Wealth

The superannuation fund has advocated for paying super on paid parental leave to address gender inequities, among other recommendations, in its 2023-24 pre-Budget submiss...


Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse could be able to access the superannuation of their offender for unpaid compensation, under two Government proposals....

Features and Analysis

As the super industry continues to raise the bar in terms of performance and stress tests, experts say mergers and fund consolidation is likely to stay....

People and Products

Vanguard Super has launched its first TV broadcast advertisement, to air during the Australian Open. ...

Financial advice

Superannuation members are at risk of retiring with a lower balance as they are overly-focused on other assets such as cryptocurrency, according to Equip. ...


Funds under management and advice held in retail and wholesale for profit managed funds decreased by 9.9% to $1.36 trillion over the 12 months to September 2022, accordin...


Research from Industry Super Australia has found a quarter of Australians are actively engaging with their retirement savings and are likely to be sitting in a top-perfor...

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

7 months 1 week ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

7 months 1 week ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

7 months 1 week ago

The fund has confirmed a reshuffle following its latest decision to combine its ESG and investment governance teams. ...

1 day 9 hours ago

An investment executive has said discussions around the rise of unlisted assets against the decline of listed assets are more nuanced than meets the eye....

2 days 9 hours ago

The appointment is part of Insignia Financial’s recently announced restructuring of its operating model and executive team....

2 days 10 hours ago