super policy

Expert Analysis

Economic policy can no longer ignore the macroeconomic impacts of Australia's superannuation system and the emerging policy implications, writes Tim Toohey....


Subscale super funds make up 30 per cent of modern award listings and the weakest performing fund returned 2.7 per cent over 10 years, according to the FSC....


The financial services industry appears united in urging the Government to ensure next month’s Budget does not further delay increasing the superannuation guarantee to 1...


A new survey has confirmed continuing industry fund antipathy towards self-managed superannuation funds but less certainty about how they should be regulated....

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

1 year 1 month ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

1 year 1 month ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

1 year 1 month ago

The Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions was once again dropped from the schedule....

11 minutes 29 seconds ago

AMP is the latest super fund to expand into digital advice with the launch of a new retirement planning tool....

14 minutes 18 seconds ago

Cbus has exited its investment in Bright Energy Investments, a major player in the renewable energy sector based in Western Australia....

27 minutes 57 seconds ago