

It has announced returns of more than 16 per cent across its growth and global index options....

People and Products

Launching in Australia this month, Premialab’s technology has been selected to deliver portfolio management and risk solutions at State Super. ...


Financial technology firm Iress says superannuation has seen a 20 per cent growth in revenue in the first half of 2023....


According to analysis by one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds, online searches relating to superannuation have doubled in the last four years....

Institutional investment

As generative AI evolves in its capabilities, the member communications of Australia’s biggest super funds could become more tailored and sophisticated....

People and Products

Australia’s first super fund tailored for women has launched a new investment app with three ethically curated portfolios tailored around the needs and desires of women i...


Research by Rainmaker Information has analysed the portfolio holdings of MySuper and ESG investment options, finding ESG products overweight in CSL, Telstra, and ResMed....


Justice Hespe has fired a shot across the bows at financial institutions regarding the interoperability of their IT infrastructure in her verdict in the ASIC v AMP Financ...

People and Products

Iress has been selected as the software for the defined benefit scheme of the $58 billion Commonwealth Super Corporation....


Trustee Tailored Super has developed a ‘Smart Default’ technology that it says will significantly increase retirement balances....


The sophistication of a custodian’s technology suite is an overarching factor when superannuation funds decide whether to insource or outsource their technology solutions...

People and Products

As part of the rebranding process, the new portal and app aims to transform the fund into a modern, mobile-first digital enterprise....

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

7 months 1 week ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

7 months 1 week ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

7 months 1 week ago

The fund has confirmed a reshuffle following its latest decision to combine its ESG and investment governance teams. ...

1 day 1 hour ago

An investment executive has said discussions around the rise of unlisted assets against the decline of listed assets are more nuanced than meets the eye....

2 days 1 hour ago

The appointment is part of Insignia Financial’s recently announced restructuring of its operating model and executive team....

2 days 2 hours ago