

The grid will be a rolling, 24-month forward program of regulatory initiatives, applying to entities including superannuation and investments. ...

Financial advice

In a Treasury submission on the retirement phase of superannuation, the Financial Advice Association Australia has recommended a $2,000 means-tested payment over the next...

Post retirement

As regulators spur funds to focus on Australia’s ageing population and overseas players voice their interests, professionals expect a boost in innovative activity in supe...


In its submission to Treasury, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia has said the government’s proposed fee provisions are “too narrow” to be effective....

People and Products

Super Review would like to wish all our readers a Happy New Year and looks forward to bringing you all the latest news in 2024. ...


Coming to the end of 2023, Super Review looks back on what marked a busy year for the industry, including a number of noteworthy consultations and legislation. ...

Funds management

Superannuation members have much to gain from impact investments, Rest believes, as the industry super fund targets a 1 per cent allocation towards this strategy by 2026....

Financial advice

Minister for financial services, Stephen Jones, has unveiled details about what areas superannuation funds can charge members for advice as well as confirmed they can ‘nu...


Treasurer Jim Chalmers has announced the government will soon consult to improve the superannuation performance test amid claims that it disincentivises sustainable inves...

Post retirement

Two actuaries have urged for an overhaul of the current retirement framework to better prepare Australians for the future and improve the accessibility of general financi...

Post retirement

Treasury has released a discussion paper on how the superannuation system can provide the needed security and income in retirement via member support and retirement prod...


HESTA has called for a goal on eliminating the gender superannuation gap in its submission to the Treasury’s objective of super consultation. ...

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

7 months 1 week ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

7 months 1 week ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

7 months 1 week ago

The fund has confirmed a reshuffle following its latest decision to combine its ESG and investment governance teams. ...

1 day 3 hours ago

An investment executive has said discussions around the rise of unlisted assets against the decline of listed assets are more nuanced than meets the eye....

2 days 3 hours ago

The appointment is part of Insignia Financial’s recently announced restructuring of its operating model and executive team....

2 days 4 hours ago