SA State Govt announces new super board members

27 September 2016
| By Hope William-Smith |
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Former South Australian federal senator, Annette Hurley, will join the Super SA board and Southern Select Corporate board as a presiding member, and former parliamentary counsellor, Richard Dennis, will be filling a vacant position.

Hurley served as deputy leader of the state Labor Party for a five-year period, with close to two decades of work in state and federal parliaments on her retirement in 2011.

Minister for Finance, Tome Koutsantonis, said: "That experience will serve Super SA well as it continues to grow and perform strongly on behalf of its members".

"I congratulate Ms Hurley and Mr Dennis on their appointments," he said.

Dennis has 35 years' experience as a legal practitioner and retired in 2015. He will fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Don Farrell after his successful standing for the Senate at the Federal Election.

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