Australia’s retirement savings pool is at risk of cybercrime and fraud attacks as the sector continues to grow, according to a whitepaper authored by payment technology company InPayTech.
The paper titled 'Keeping our Money Safe' said superannuation funds, payroll providers and employers needed to increase their commitment to protection from data breaches and fraud attacks.
The paper noted the rise of ‘mega-superfunds’ as superannuation fund amalgamations increased due to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA’s) ongoing focus on underperformance.
The paper also addressed that the New Payments Platform (NPP) was set to become the ‘backbone’ of Australia’s payment architecture and when it was integrated with SuperStream seamlessly, InPayTech predicted it would have meaningful benefits for employers and employees.
Dean Martin, InPayTech chief executive, said payment technology firms needed to make meaningful investment in adapting their operations and services to integrate themselves with NPP infrastructure.
“As ‘big-data’ becomes ‘mega-data’, pay-tech vendors will need to develop scalable systems and processes, enabling organisations to quickly and effectively process ever-increasing volumes of data,” Martin said.
The strength of the US economy has driven “an extremely pleasing” result for the Australian sovereign wealth fund.
The industry superannuation fund-owned global private markets manager is set to launch three new private market strategies backed by the UK’s largest pension scheme.
The $92 billion fund has pinpointed key megatrends that are expected to disrupt markets in the coming years.
Brighter Super’s Index Balanced pension option delivered 16.76 per cent in calendar year 2024, while its Stable pension option returned 8.02 per cent.