superannuation fund

Financial advice

Speedy handling of early release superannuation payments will mean that the super funds won’t be able to implement the usual fraud controls, according to the Australian P...

People and Products

The industry superannuation fund has appointed Luke Galloway as its strategic tilting – general manager to build its internal investment capability. ...


The super fund’s net inflows jumped 150% during the first half of FY20 as more investors looked to ethical investing....


Five terminal illness claims and two death claims have already been turned away by Hostplus for members unaware of the PYS changes and the fund believes this is just the ...


Industry Super Australia worked right up until the last moment to warn the Productivity Commission of the consequences of workers being defaulted into one superannuation ...

Financial advice

Industry Super Australia has urged the Productivity Commission against once-only superannuation defaults arguing members could be disadvantaged by the bank, employers or ...


Super fund investment strategy is more important than size when it comes to delivering economies of scale, REI Super believes....


The SCT says fewer complaints would be registered if superannuation funds better educated their members....


Prime Super has been named the inaugural winner of the Roy Morgan Research Customer Satisfaction Awards....

Funds management

Superannuation fund trustees need to avoid becoming bogged down by succumbing to peer pressure with respect to determining asset allocation, according to QSuper chief inv...

Funds management

MIESF has chosen Alliance Bernstein Managed Volatility Equities Fund to reduce volatility in members' portfolio....


A new survey has revealed most accountants and planners would be prepared to establish an SMSF on the basis of FUM of $200,000 or less. ...

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Grant Banner

From my perspective, 40- 50% of people are likely going to be deeply unhappy about how long they actually live. ...

7 months 1 week ago
Kevin Gorman

Super director remuneration ...

7 months 1 week ago
Anthony Asher

No doubt true, but most of it is still because over 45’s have been upgrading their houses with 30 year mortgages. Money ...

7 months 1 week ago

The fund has confirmed a reshuffle following its latest decision to combine its ESG and investment governance teams. ...

1 day 4 hours ago

An investment executive has said discussions around the rise of unlisted assets against the decline of listed assets are more nuanced than meets the eye....

2 days 4 hours ago

The appointment is part of Insignia Financial’s recently announced restructuring of its operating model and executive team....

2 days 5 hours ago